Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Finally, a crafty post...

So, I've been blathering about politics and other assorted topics for years now on Speak, Dog! Speak!

Finally, I have something to post on this blog, which (ironically) was the one I created first. I created it to share my crochet, knit and craft projects...

Here's some images of an afghan that I recently completed. I love it. It may actually be my favorite completed project in the *cough, cough* twenty-something years that I've been crocheting.

I'm working on a new project, which uses the remainder of the variegated yarns I used for this one, but I've changed the main (background) color to black.

Hopefully, I'll be able to post that soon.

© Jana Ogletree 2010

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm Still at Speak, Dog! Speak!

Until I get this blog up and running, my posts are all being recorded at Speak, Dog! Speak!

That blog is for political and cultural commentary (for what it's worth...)

This blog will focus more on crafty and artsy endeavors....

But, for now...my blatherings are all at Speak, Dog!

check it out: Speak Dog, Speak !